cantilever beam definition error


New Member
Dear ideyapı officials.. The program does not perceive the cantilever beams that are not continued in the mass and are created only outside as cantilever beams. Although I define console beams as left or right console separately, it perceives them as normal beams. Attached, I am sending you the mold plan that I tried as an example, I would be happy if you specify the solution. In the example beams such as K6, K7. Good work, take it easy..
Hello there; There is no problem with the solution (detection) of K6 and K7 beams in the program. If I did not misunderstand, you mean that it is not perceived as a console. In the REINFORCED CONCRETE menu, on the lines where the K6 and K7 beams are located, RIGHT. or LEFT CO. not writing; RIGHT CO. and SOL KO. By abbreviations, it is meant that the UPPER and LOWER main reinforcement in these beams, which are cantilever beams, is the same as the adjacent beam reinforcement in the continuation of the beam, since these two beams are not continuous, it would be wrong to give such an information anyway. Best regards.