Cannot create network


New Member
"Hello; Insufficient slab or faulty slab axle problem in geometric control, but there is enough account axis, what should I do? CANNOT BE NETWORKED FOR BODRUM". I get the warning.** but there is no such statement in the report. I made a beam to shrink the file. What should I do. Can we check the project?
Hello, This warning is given because D01 is defined incorrectly in the basement. Run the "Geometry Check" command. In the dialog that opens, select the line "Insufficient tile or faulty tile axis". Click on the "Select Object" line. Click the plan window with the left mouse button. Press the "Delete" key on the keyboard. The incorrectly defined tile will be deleted. Note : The gaps opened in the carrier system curtains do not meet the conditions given in TBDY 2018 article 7.6.9. Good work