Can we only make ground floor hollow blocks in a building?


New Member
Hello.. Can we only build ground floor hollow blocks in a building higher than 17.50m? Are there any restrictions on this in the regulation? Also, as I saw in the introduction of the new version, we were choosing the flooring system in the analysis settings. So either we were choosing a hollow block or a plate.. Can we continue by choosing a plate and make a single solid hollow block?
Re: Having Hollow Floor in Plak Flooring This does not mean that we can lay 17.50 hollow blocks and the remaining slabs. You will look at the majority of the tiles and choose the analysis type accordingly.
Re: Plak K.Döş.de Having a Floor Filling Hole
"saridurmus":2amm0tdp" said:
While looking at the system, you can do it if the ratio of unidirectional gear flooring is less than your plate flooring. This does not mean that 17.50 hollow blocks remain We can make slab flooring.You will look at the majority of the floors and choose the analysis type accordingly.
For example, in a B+Z+6-floor building, can we only make a ground floor hollow block?
Re: Plak K.Döş.de Having a Floor Hollow
"huseyinakkus56":3cu6wfqn" said:
"saridurmus":3cu6wfqn" said:
While looking at the system, the ratio of one-way gear flooring in your structure is less than your plate flooring if you can. This does not mean that we can lay 17.50 hollow blocks and the remaining slabs. You will look at the majority of the floors and choose the type of analysis accordingly.
For example, can we make only ground floor hollow blocks in a building with B+Z+6 floors?
The regulation is not open to interpretation, so I don't think there is any exemption. Filled (hollow hole) or unfilled single-direction gear paved systems can only be made when BYS>= 6 and Table 4.1 A23 and A24 condition are met. Or, according to article, hollow floor systems can only be made according to the condition of BYS>=7 and Table 4.1 A31. This shows that the regulation penalizes such buildings. My suggestion is to use beam-plate flooring and suspended ceiling solution. Good work; Sukru Sahin