HELLO I HAD A LOT OF DIFFICULTIES BECAUSE IT WAS MY FIRST PROJECT, CAN YOU REVIEW WITH ITS GENERAL LINES? ELEVATOR CURTAINS FAILURE ON THE BASEMENT FLOOR. I HIGHLY UPGRADED ITS SIZE TO 30 CM EVEN AGAIN... .. I TRIED TO SOLVE IT CONTINUOUSLY I DIDN'T BUILD THE ELEVATOR WELL, CAN YOU HELP ME HOPE TO GO THROUGH THESE DIFFICULT DAYS WITH YOUR HELP? In addition, it would be appropriate to connect the columns with beams in the X direction. As a suggestion, increase the raft foundation ampatage size. Concrete class is C25 instead of C20, Foundation thickness is 60 cm instead of 40, Use earthquake loads in the raft foundation soil stress control was passive. It was active. Superstructure interactive the solution has been activated Automatic object naming has been done. you can eliminate.