Can Ground Effect Coefficients Be Edited?


New Member
Hello, I wonder if the Fs and F1 coefficients can be entered manually without defining a new spectrum. I would like to point out some of the things I encountered in the program... Column max purst. It remained 0.03 and became 0.04 in the new regulation. When we lower the Columns or Curtains from the upper level to the lower level, no sprouts are formed on the foundation. Likewise, no sprouts are formed in the columns that are on the beam and curtain. Good work...
Re: Soil Effect Coefficients Can Be Edited in the Program
"zalman":1lhwgmjq" said:
Colon max purst. remained 0.03 and became 0.04 in the new regulation.
Hello, In program templates, the column max purst. The selection of 3 is based on TBDY 2018 Article The total reinforcement price will not exceed 6% in the sections with overlapping additions. Half of it will be 3%. However, if the column reinforcements will be arranged in one piece, you can get the maximum purchase price of 4%. Also, in TBDY 2007, these items TBDY has not changed in 2018.
Re: Soil Effect Coefficients Can Be Edited in the Program Thank you, Mr. Hakan, I missed that. Then they changed it in vain, as if there is no building built that way today :) Moreover, this may be a problem in diameter and cross-section changes... My other question is, is there a method for ground effects or do you have a suggestion.