Black Background Template Issue?


New Member
Hello friends; For İdecad 8 version, when I start a new project with a black background template, it does not set any objects for black background. So much so that it is no different from the ones for the white background. This is tiring for my eyes. Is it possible (automatically) to set objects for black background like in version 7?
It's probably ticked where I drew it in the attached picture. If you uncheck that box, whatever color and thickness settings you saved, the file will appear as it is. Otherwise, there is no color change in the V8.
Guys, this is how I solved the problem. I copied the sample template files to the same place in idecad 8 in the programfiles/idecad 7/template folder. so when I selected the black background from the ready-made templates, the pen colors came back, arranged accordingly. The templates in the folder with the sample name are very successful for the black background. After installing idead 8, this folder was not visible, so I had trouble.
Once version 8 is installed, the black template will default to "C:\Program Files\ideCAD\ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8\Templates\structural\New Template Project" folder for reinforced concrete, "C:\Program Files\ideCAD\ideCAD Reinforced Concrete" for steel if you do not change the installation folder. It is installed in the 8\ideCAD Steel - Reinforced Concrete\Templates\structural\New Template Project" folder. We did not detect any problems in our installation tests. If you call us, we can connect to your computer with remote access and examine your question in detail.