Beams do not exceed nmax

Hello... The geometry of your building is very smooth. First of all, I recommend that you do not use concrete below c30/37 in such a structure. If your beam spans are too large and the studs are overlapping, if you cannot increase the height of the beams in these spans, it will be in your best interest to increase the width. You may not want to expand the curtains as 25, but your beams can overflow from one side without making the curtain larger. It is normal to have these strains if the horizontal loads on the building are a bit high. The beams between the shears in the x direction running through the core region are like tie beams. This type of beams are very difficult without shearing on the axial upper floors in the basement floors. My advice is to enlarge the cross sections of them. As I said, if you cannot increase the height, you will see that if you increase the width, it will be enough. Good work...
Hello, The problem of Axial load (Nmax) on the beams is that the condition specified in TBDY 2018 article cannot be met. In the Beam report Nd<=0.1AcFck Condition Not Satisfied Beams section, beam axial load and limit values are given. For the solution of beam axial load problems; -Beam width/height can be increased. (Increasing the beam dimensions, especially the beam height will increase the beam stiffness and thus the impact. It may not always be a solution.) -Higher strength concrete can be used. - Arrangements can be made on the carrier system to reduce the axial load on the beam. -Beams can be dimensioned and equipped as columns according to TBDY 2018 article 7.3. (Dimensioning and reinforcement of beams as columns is not done automatically in the program. It is under the control of the user.) Also, if you use the Use rigid diaphragm for vertical loads option in the Analysis Settings/General Settings tab, it may help to solve your problem. Good work.
Hello If you choose your concrete value C30 and use rigid diaphragm for vertical loads , your project saves. Unver ÖZCAN