Beamless Floor Curtain Staple Problem?


New Member
Hello.. The subject is Slabs Without Beams.. Can we define curtains as columns for the verification of staples in lift curtains or in general curtains in non-beamed floors? I would like to get your advice if there are points we should pay attention to for beamless flooring. Best regards.
I have another question, if anyone can answer.. The issue of large gallery spaces in the beamless flooring system.. Is it wrong if I open a floor space in the flooring system I surround along the outermost columns in the plan?
"illaga":3vx6nxig" said:
I would like to get your advice if there are points we should pay attention to for tiling without beams..
Hello, the points to be considered in data entry of non-beam slab are generally as follows: *The borders of the slab should be created with the edge of the slab. Reinforcement axle type of the slab should be arranged in the form of flat reinforcement at the top + bottom as in beamless raft *In case of beams or panels in some or all of the edges, column caps should be placed by giving zero height and table height values for punching verification *According to Semi-rigid diaphragm option in Analysis Settings analysis should be done. However, these gaps are not taken into account in the stapling check. Good work