Precisely adjust the working distances of the reinforced concrete axles on the beamless raft. In the dialog, the distance is given so that the reinforcements pass into each other. For example, Aks3's working distance is 10.87 meters, Aks4's is 10.73 meters. However, the largest y-direction building length is 15.244 meters. If you adjust the working distances, you can design a more economical foundation. It would even be appropriate to increase the number of account axles. Of course, by controlling the working distances... It would be more appropriate to define at least 3 calculation axes in the y direction instead of defining 2 calculation axes in the same way... and of course you should set their working distances. In your project, I roughly halved the current working distances of the reinforced concrete calculation axles. The total amount of reinforcement in reinforcement quantity was around 27 tons. (710.41 kg 8 units, 26460 kg 18 units) As for concrete quantity; 120 cm raft is too much ... It may be appropriate to calculate with "average stress" on a raft without beams. Accordingly, you can reduce the raft thickness up to 75 cm. Or, it may be more economical to increase the floor area instead of increasing the raft thickness to relieve the ground stress condition. It is also necessary to compare the mold costs. The decision is yours... Take it easy...