Beam Width ?


New Member
Greetings. In a few projects I have checked, the secondary beams that are stuck in the beam-to-beam I have drawn as an example in the picture below can be taken less than 20 cm according to the regulation. idecad when we check the geometry sees it as against the regulation. I want to ask why.. Image -1
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Image -3 (TDY)
A23mMKi6wcXJyITIs7zWN12V31DBjdhlzHk14YxXG1307upfjVJxLj2jIuty 87eMWswKz3gY94fDZIBg%3D%3D
Thank you İsmail Hakkı Bey, we are currently using IdeCAD 7.022. Will there be a new update for ide 7 or will it be fixed only for ideCAD 8 (I don't know if ide8 has the same problem) we haven't received ide8 yet :)
Hello, It's been a long time since I used the program, now I have V7.022 and it gives error report "beam body width cannot be less than 25" in geometry control... I searched the forum and saw that it was asked in this topic (secondary beams), Mr. I read that Mr. Ismail also confirmed the situation and wrote that it will be fixed... It was asked if there will be a fix for V7.022 (November 16, 2014), but the title did not continue after that... We are on January 15, 2016 and this is the case for V7.022. Will there be an update? Or do we have to upgrade for IDE8? good work, best regards...
Hello, Geometric warnings in Geometry control are left to the discretion of the user. Some developers may want to see the warning in question. The warning does not prevent you from ending your project and the program remains on the safe side. (There is no warning in the report and it can be printed out.) Therefore, you have the option to ignore the warning.