Beam Properties - Freedoms Tab

Hello, It can be used to change the free/fixed state of the left and right ends of the beam. You can change these parameters, which do not need to be interfered with in normal situations for the design in accordance with the regulation, by ticking the option in the relevant direction when you need it. i is the left end of the element, j is the right end of the element. The larger the spring value, the less displacement the relevant end will be. You can interfere with the values on the appropriate axis of the parameter you want to change. For example, when you want to operate the beam in a hinged way, we click on the i and j freedoms in the moment m2 and m3 directions. When you want to give the beam axial freedom, we click on the i and j freedoms in the f1 directions. If we enter the spring value after activating the freedom, we define the spring as much as the stiffness value we entered.
i is the left end of the element, j is the right end of the element. for the horizontal element, i for the vertical element, i for the upper end, j for the lower end I guess I was wondering that too. In short, if we intervene here, we will be out of the regulation, right? For example, have you ever used these options?
Nodal points in reinforced concrete systems are either built-in or simple support. In classical cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structures, all nodal points meet moment, shear, normal and torsional forces. In prefabricated structures, it can be ensured that the beam is seated in a way that does not transfer moment to the column. For example, reinforced concrete bridge beams. They must be teaching these subjects in college. Spring definition at nodes is generally an academic subject and you can make its practical application in a steel project. I do not know if it has an application in prefabricated buildings. Since ideCAD software is a general analysis software, they put this option.