1-I defined the 3rd calculation axis due to the gap in the beamed floor running in two directions, but the 3rd calculation axis I defined was used in the TS500 thickness control. While the slab thickness was insufficient when I defined 2 account axles, when I defined the 3rd account axle, the thickness control was made by taking into account the length of this account axis and the condition was met. What do I need to pay attention to when using the axis of calculation for the reinforcement design, what do I miss, and I get the result as if TS500 does not meet the condition in Equation 11.1. 2- There is no clear information about the continuous edge used in TS500 equation 11.1 or I could not find it. According to the information I have obtained, he says that if one edge is seated on a beam or curtain and it is the common edge of the adjacent slab, or if the slab edge is seated on a curtain or a very rigid beam, it is appropriate to accept this edge as permanent. İdecad accepts the slab edges on the curtains as permanent edges. Is there a clause that I can find in the regulation, or on what basis did you always accept the edge that fits on the curtain, and if you say that it is at the discretion of the engineer to accept the slab edge that rests on a very rigid beam, how can I control the stiffness of this beam using the program.