Beam flooring and joists


New Member
Hello. I have a question about beamless floors. beams have the 1/3 rule. but when we choose the beamless slab system, the program does not make this contour. but do these beams affect the calculation negatively? I am attaching 3 different examples. I assumed that all of them had 20cm floor thickness. one has 50*20 beams. the other has no beams. in the last one, I connected the columns with band beams. band beams are defined as constructive elements. so what goes wrong with the calculation when I define the beams. Thanks in advance.
Re: FLOOR WITHOUT BEAM AND BEAMS Hello; First of all, in TBDY Article, "slabs in reinforced concrete beamless slab systems will be modeled with two-dimensional finite elements." condition exists. In the program, since the floors are modeled with two-dimensional finite elements, namely shell elements, and beams and columns are modeled with rod finite elements, this rule is not followed when the beam is defined. Therefore, the most accurate solution is to model the beams with two-dimensional finite elements using only the tiling command, without defining them. In addition, since beams are attached to the columns, stapling control is not performed. The joists must be lifted to perform the stapling check. It is possible that the models you sent will have similar results, but the most accurate solution is the two-dimensional finite element model for tiles. Best regards...
"oguzcan":1ssowbks" said:
Hi; First of all, in TBDY Article, "slabs in reinforced concrete non-beam slab systems are composed of two-dimensional finite elements. will be modeled." In the program, this rule is not followed when the beam is defined, since the floors are modeled with two-dimensional finite elements, namely shell elements, and beams and columns with rod finite elements. Therefore, the most correct solution is to create two-dimensional finite elements without defining the beams, only by using the slab command. In addition, since beams are attached to the columns, no stapling control is performed. The beams must be removed in order to perform the stapling control. It is possible that the models you sent will produce similar results, but the most accurate solution is a two-dimensional finite element model for slabs. Best regards...
Well How should the beams that meet the 1/3 rule in beams be? It was because the unemployed had been very similar. Either in the forum or elsewhere, I read or heard something like when beamless flooring is selected over the ide wizard, it sees the beams as hinged. Thanks