Basement Curtains Reinforcement Length


New Member
Hello, there is a single storey 700*650 cm cafeteria project attached. There are 40 cm high foundation, 44 cm high and 20 cm wide basement shears, 25*50 columns and 25*40 beams. The program does not give any errors in geometry control and analysis. While the basement curtains should not continue to the upper floor, they sprout in the opening of the reinforcement. (I did not understand the reinforcements numbered 10 and 13 in the curtain details). Maybe I'm misunderstood. If I am wrong somewhere, I ask for help from friends who have knowledge. Erman SAYGIN Cons. ENG.
Re: SUB-BASMAN CURTAINS REINFORCEMENT LENGTH If you look at the reinforcement expansions given on the right side of the program, the sprouts of the curtain reinforcements do not extend upwards, the main anchor sprouts move up from the curtain (50cm) because your curtain lengths are too short. The program does not create drawings according to this situation (curtain drawings are created in normal floor curtain logic). You have to manually manipulate the drawing. In this case, only the basic anchorage reinforcements will work by bending the ends, there is no need to add additional reinforcements into the curtain.
Re: SUBASMAN CURTAINS REINFORCEMENT BOYU Dear admin, thank you for the reply. To be sure, I am sending what I understand from what you wrote in the attached picture and file. I would appreciate it if you could take a look and give some information good market Erman SAYGIN İnş. ENG.
The picture you posted is correct. The program gives separate reinforcement to the curtain and extends the anchor upwards (assuming there is a curtain), as on the left, you can equip these curtains with only anchors as on the right.
Dear Admin, thank you, I have one more question for you, how can we introduce the filling inside the basement curtains and the flooring we will create on it to the program or do we need it? There is a place called SGPursantaj, what does it mean if it is positive or negative in colon results? Erman SAYGIN Cons. ENG.
"MAHAL00":32dbgw4s" said:
Dear Admin, thank you, I have one more question for you, how can we introduce the filling in the basement curtains and the floor we will create on it to the program or do we need it? There is a place called SGPursantaj, what does it mean if it is positive or negative in the column results Erman SAYGIN Civil Eng.
*If the filling and slab form a rigid diaphragm, the section with the basement curtains can be entered as a separate floor.If it does not and the foundation system is raft without beams, the soil load can be entered as an additional load on the raft slab. * SGPurs: It is the ratio of the reinforcement amount calculated from the design influences to the column area as a percentage.If the value is negative or positive but below the minimum pursantage, it indicates that the column section is not forced.