Not incompatibility is this?.."MrtGrsl":39w8azvw" said:On page 2, calculations are made according to +5%, -5% values in x and y directions for each floor, and on page 1, the control of the maximum values of the calculations for each floor is shown.
If you add the project We can help you"IŞIK":1mu7niot" said:in the attached report, the B2 irregularity information on the first page and the B2 irregularity information on the 2nd page are incompatible, what could be the reason? Is it a drawing error or a system error, can anyone help?
"LIGHT":1jf4l8p3" said:The above problem has a similar situation in this report.. This time there is B2 irregularity on the first page, not on the second page... Which one is correct?.. Shouldn't it be compatible?.. :roll :
"HakanŞahin":359pwpef" said:If you add the project, we can help"IŞIK":359pwpef" said:in the attached report; The B2 irregularity information on the first page and the B2 irregularity information on the 2nd page are incompatible, what could be the reason? Is it a drawing error or a system error, can anyone help?
"HakanŞahin" said:Hi, Your structure has B2 irregularity. In the project where the basement perimeter curtains are defined as rods, there will be no problem if you model the basement perimeter curtains as shells. I made the necessary arrangement in the attached project B2 DUZENSIZLI1.ide7. You can continue your work with this project. As you can see in the attached screenshots, there is no mismatch in the reports in the project I added. Thank you for your answer. Is it not preferable to model basement curtains as rods, should I choose them as shells when it comes to perimeter curtains? In this project, one side of the basement floor is completely buried in the ground, and the soil on the other two facades is zeroed with a slope. In this case, can the resulting B2 irregularity be neglected? Thanks..
"IŞIK":2eoxiye5" said:Thank you for your answer. Is it not preferable to model basement curtains as rods, or should I choose shells when it comes to perimeter curtains? In this project, one side of the basement floor is completely buried in the ground, and the soil on the other two facades is reset with a slope In this case, can the resulting irregularity be neglected? The presence of this irregularity in the structure is not a problem (TDY item Good work