Autocad export black screen layer colors


New Member
Hello, When we work on the idestatic white screen and export the drawings, the layers are not fully selected on the black screen and I have to use a white screen. When I make the idestat black screen, the color layers are nice on the autocad export black screen. My question, more precisely, my request is while the white screen is running in idestatic (I am used to this, the black screen is not good because I cannot work because the toolbar and building tree are not black with the screen), can I do it according to the black screen layers while exporting autocade? Or can't it be completely black in the tollbar while idestatic can have a black screen? The white screen in Autocad is seriously tiring. Good work.
Hi Black and white set color settings have been adjusted by choosing colors that look comfortable on the background used. If you export the drawing you created using the white set and open it on a black background in Autocad, the colors may not appear. If you are going to export to Autocad <siyah arka plan setleri ile çizimleri oluşturmanızı tavsiye ederim

Beyaz set ile başladığınız bir projede isterseniz siyah set ayarları ile çizim alabilirsiniz.
Projenizi 2b çizim aşamasına kadar olan modelleme ve analiz aşamalarını beyaz set ile yapabilirsiniz isterseniz. Çizimleri siyah set ile oluşturmak için şu işlemleri yapın.

- Yeni Proje komutuna tıklayın ve Siyah set kullanarak yeni proje açın.
- Proje Aç komutuna tıklayın
- Proje aç diyaloğunda "Aktif kalem ve rengi uygula" opsiyonu seçili hale getirin ve projenizi açın

Siyah set renk ayarları açtığınız projeye uygulanacaktır. Bu ayarlar ile çizimlerinizi oluşturun.

Ribbon için koyu tema seçimi yapılabilir . İkonlar ve Yapı ağacı için koyu renk tema ile ilgili isteğiniz notlarımızda vardır.
Thanks for your answer. Actually, this is what I want. For example, we draw a scaffolding. When we take a drawing, it takes it directly as a layer set to autocad black screen. Why can&#39;t it be like this in reinforced concrete, so even if there is an option when I&#39;m working on the white screen, it can produce drawings according to the black screen layer and we don&#39;t deal with it like this? Thanks...
&quot;MustafaAkın20&quot;:j9ecuzz2&quot; said:
Thanks for your answer. Actually, this is what I want. For example, we draw scaffolding. When we take a drawing, autocad directly takes it as a layer set to black screen. Why can&#39;t it be like this in reinforced concrete, so even though there is an option when I work on white screen, black screen is displayed. Thank you...
Hello, it is among our notes that drawings are optionally drawn with colors suitable for Black and White background.As I explained above, using the &quot;Apply active pen and color&quot; option. You can take drawings with black sets. If you want to always work on white background to model and get the drawings on black background, you can edit the existing template once and work in the colors you want. Create a new project using the &quot;White Background&quot; template. For all drawings, the colors in the drawing months match the black background Edit as &quot;C:\Program Files\ideCAD\id&quot; as blank project Save it under a different name in the eCAD Static 10\Templates\structural\New Template Project&quot; folder. When you choose this template in your new projects, you can work with the settings you want.
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&quot;MustafaAkın20&quot;:3ysoog5m&quot; said:
Thank you. From time to time, you receive notes about the questions we ask. Is the update release date known for these notes?
We cannot give a date. You can follow the job list.