Hello, if Mdev > 0.75M0 is not provided in item; "The R and D coefficients defined in Table 4.1 for cases where all of the earthquake effects are met with frames with limited ductility level, and the maximum allowed LMS will be taken into account." writes. I think that the R, D and BYS rules allowed for the A31 system, which should be understood from the above phrase, should be applied. But in Nuray Hoca's explanation, it seems as if the system should be considered as A31 and therefore the DTS=3 and DTS=4 conditions specified in should be followed. However, if we look at the above paragraph again, it is mentioned that only the R, D and BYS conditions have changed. Looking at the statement of the regulation, there is no harm in solving your building mixed, even if there is only one curtain in the building (Mdev > 0.75M0 will not be provided as a result). Only your R, D and BYS limits should change. Let's give an example; In your structure with A24 system, R=5, D=2.5, BYS=>6. If the Mdev > 0.75M0 condition is not met, you can do R=4, D=2.5, BYS=>7 (if you meet the BYS=>7 CONDITION) and continue on your way. What is healthy, in my opinion, is that if the Mdev > 0.75M0 condition is not met (of course, this condition is discussed separately), the system should be considered as A31 and naturally not limited to DTS=3 and DTS=4 based on If it will be as Nuray Hoca said, it should be written in regulation "If Mdev > 0.75M0 is not provided, the system should be treated as A31."