Re: "Projects with a minimum cross section that meet the requirements of the regulation" o The general approach of İdecad users on the subject is very important. No matter which academic author's book you read, they usually talk about values and criteria above regulation. They say that the regulation consists of both limiting a mediocre civil engineer in terms of legislation and directing them in project construction. The point I don't understand is: Why is a project that meets the minimum sections in the regulation evaluated with extra criteria? If these sections were troubled, they could not exceed the regulation values anyway. There are a number of recommendations, for example: Start the minimum thickness of the raft foundation at 50cm (up to 5 floors), add 10cm for each subsequent layer. Now let my construction be 10 floors, 50cm+5*10cm=100cm thick raft. It also saves when I solve it with 70 cm raft thickness. The user is in a dilemma, which is correct/more accurate/more accurate? 70 cm? 100 cm? The Japanese propose to calculate the project by taking the building behavior coefficient with alternative values (eg R=7, R=6). If these recommendations are correct, why are they not included in the regulations? There is a 565 cm 25x30 or 30x30 beam (residential structure), and it saves. Now, am I going to find this beam, which has saved, visually small in size and go for an arbitrary increase? Mr. İde, apart from you, in some programs in the market, long-term deflection calculations, wide beam, narrow column combinations, etc. there are problems and the control mechanism of the program does not detect it, but you can see it in the reports. Or analysis systems are not equivalent to the user's geometric design, and the reinforced concrete calculation values after the analysis are appropriate in the program and in the reports, but it may not be appropriate to reflect them on the drawing. Especially in shell element (finite element creation) solutions, semi-rigid acceptance and ground interaction options of the programs, we may encounter unmatched results with package programs. This time, the developer with higher total reinforcement can say that my program is more reliable. As ide, you have made many tests and comparisons while making the program and constantly developing your program due to the market climate or as a company principle. Relying on your experience and knowledge, I would like to ask: Is it necessary to make an extra intervention in the project that saves with minimum sections?