Announcement about Reinforced Concrete 8.502

Ismail Hakki Besler

Version 8.502 will be released soon. With the release of this version, it was felt necessary to present the following issues for your information. 1) Version 8.502 can be used for scaffolding projects together with the Reinforced Concrete program. 2) You can continue to use 8.103 and 7.xx versions for your reinforced concrete projects safely and without any errors. 3) The 8.502 version that will be released will be much more stable than 8.500, but there may still be some problems especially in creating semi-rigid diaphragm. 4) In 7.xx and 8.103 versions There is no problem in creating a semi-rigid diaphragm 5) Steel program users can safely continue to use 8.103 8.500 and 8.502. 6) Version 8.6 will continue to be developed until the end of 2016 and will be released before 2017. 7) The update regarding the earthquake regulation will be released with the 9.xx version before the regulation enters into force. Semi-rigid diaphragm creation and modeling of curtains as shell already exists and is provided in version 7.xx and version 8.103. It will naturally provide version 8.6 as well.
Thanks for the information, Mr. Ismail. You produce the most comprehensive and, in my opinion, reliable software among domestic software. It is understandable that problems have arisen with many features added in the 8th version, since the software has come of age. Anyone who is even involved in the software business is aware of the difficulty. I think the important thing is to share this information with users in a transparent way. I wish the targeted work to be accomplished as soon as possible. Love.
Hello, You have renewed our trust in YOU, PROĞRAMA and the IDE family for sharing the situation regarding the software in a transparent manner. I wish conveniences. Unver ÖZCAN
Greetings, Thanks for the information. Is it a little more patience to have 8.502 instead of 8.501 or is the update close?
The improvements about the program are nice, I have had some really minor snags, but it is really nice if you state it clearly, we have full faith that it will be fixed as soon as possible. Good luck ide family