Ismail Hakki Besler
Version 8.502 will be released soon. With the release of this version, it was felt necessary to present the following issues for your information. 1) Version 8.502 can be used for scaffolding projects together with the Reinforced Concrete program. 2) You can continue to use 8.103 and 7.xx versions for your reinforced concrete projects safely and without any errors. 3) The 8.502 version that will be released will be much more stable than 8.500, but there may still be some problems especially in creating semi-rigid diaphragm. 4) In 7.xx and 8.103 versions There is no problem in creating a semi-rigid diaphragm 5) Steel program users can safely continue to use 8.103 8.500 and 8.502. 6) Version 8.6 will continue to be developed until the end of 2016 and will be released before 2017. 7) The update regarding the earthquake regulation will be released with the 9.xx version before the regulation enters into force. Semi-rigid diaphragm creation and modeling of curtains as shell already exists and is provided in version 7.xx and version 8.103. It will naturally provide version 8.6 as well.