An interesting analysis result

I am currently trying to add pictures to the forum, but it says you must enter at least two survey options. how do i get around this to add a picture
*The problem in the quantity report is due to the fact that no reinforcement diameter is selected for the Shear end region in the Shear Rebar selection dialog. *The problem in the structure deformation is due to the incorrect definition of the stair support conditions. The empty edges of the ladder are defined as fixed supports. In addition, the lower edge of the 1st arm of the ladder is not connected to any idle element. The elevation and height of the stairs do not match the floor level. *Warnings about the column dimensions in the geometry control, the short sides of the column are 24.9998 cm. because it is a value. It seems to be a situation where the columns are created from the imported autocad file with the "read 2d architectural project" command. Click the column sizes command and select the relevant columns. In the dialog that opens, enter the short side size of the column as 25 cm. The size warning will be removed in the geometry control.