Alternative to Key


New Member
Are you considering a different alternative to the key? For example, my name is "x engineering" and when I buy the program, my company name is written on all printouts instead of the key. It is very boring to deal with the key. Besides, if it is the way I said, other people will use the program, but no one but the owner can get the project approved with this program. The key system creates serious question marks in the minds of those who are considering buying it for the first time, like me. Therefore, there is a tendency towards different programs. Thanks.
"marka59":2moxlmdd" said:
Do you think of a different alternative to the key?For example, let me have a company called "x engineering" and when I bought the program, my company's name should be written on all printouts instead of the key. .Besides, if it is as I said, other people will use the program, but no one else can get the project approved with this program. /or if you want to print, you need to obtain more than one license/lock. You can also contact our sales department to get information about the 2nd, 3rd license prices.
"marka59":2moxlmdd" said:
The key system should be purchased for the first time especially like me. It creates serious question marks in the minds of those who think.
What do you think of the current key system? We don't know if it raises serious question marks.
"marka59":2moxlmdd" said:
Therefore, there is a tendency towards different programs.
The same locking system is used in different programs that we know. It is your most natural right to choose the program that suits your purpose. Good work
"HakanŞahin":1t6yt1jy" said:
You can also contact our sales department for information about the 2nd and 3rd license prices.
Why two different paid keys (license) for two different people to work on the same project at the same time in an office? ) condition ?
"HakanŞahin":1t6yt1jy" said:
We do not know what serious question marks the current key system creates in your mind.
If the key is lost two days later, if it falls to the ground, is broken, or if it falls into the water, if it is damaged while plugging it into the usb port, if it is stolen, etc. There is no problem if a free warranty is provided in cases.
"HakanŞahin":1t6yt1jy" said:
The same lock system is used in different programs that we know. It is your most natural right to choose the program that suits your purpose.
The programs that I know are not using locks such as Sap 200, xsteel, etabs, etc. I'm not sure) I've read that it can be locked or unlocked :) It's not like it used to be anymore. Everything is officially checked. When you go to the municipality, the project of the person who does not have a license is not approved anyway. The license of the program for which drawing or static calculations are made is required. No one has asked if you have a key until now. even the butcher asks for a license. :) Thank you for your attention.
"HakanŞahin":1ljp4bmb" said:
The same lock system is used in different programs that we know. It is your natural right to choose the program that suits your purpose. Good work
Hello Hakan, after running the software with the key in S*A program, you can key in the key. You can remove it and use the same key to start the software on the other PC. Of course, it is necessary to insert the key again for analysis, report, etc. As a matter of fact, if there are 5 licenses to work on 10 PCs in an office, things can run smoothly. I know that there is no removing the key in ideCAD. I think that this also plays an important role in the serious spread of the software, which I did not write openly, because two different circles of friends opened two offices within a year, and it was an issue that they also focused on.