"actombo":3deer5y2" said:
Hello, I'm going to do a gradual foundation drawing for the first time. I've gone through a few topics and couldn't find any good information on the subject. to draw a separate foundation? I tried to draw a separate foundation, but the cross-section did not save, it gave errors. The project is not large, large sections should not come out. A 50 cm foundation is too much for a 2-storey building, obviously, I am probably making a mistake somewhere. If there is a video or source on this subject I can review. I am also attaching the project, I would be glad if you review it. Good work
Hello, Which floor do the columns end on? the foundation must be defined on that floor. In this sense, the data entry is correct. In the current situation in the project, there are inadequacy due to additional reinforcements on the raft foundation on the ground floor, stapling problem in two columns on the ground floor and in one column in the basement, weak floor problem in the basement, connection shear safety problem in the S15 column. Suggestions; -Analysis can be done according to the "Enlarge the connection area" option for "Rat Foundation-Superstructure Connection method" in the Analysis Settings/Foundation Floor Tab. -1. Since the basement floor is considered rigid, the perimeter curtains do not need to be marked as "basement" curtains. In this case, perimeter walls will be included in the floor effective shear area in the calculation of B1 irregularity and weak floor problem will not occur. - To solve the stapling problem in the S5 column in the basement, the thickness of the raft is 35 cm. can be done. - In order to avoid stapling control on the raft foundation on the ground floor in S2-S14 and S6 columns continuing to the basement floor, the raft slab edge should be a few cm. can be defined within. - For the column beam joint shear safety problem (B), the 9th article, the link of which is given below, can be examined.
Good work