About Soil Safety Stress


New Member
Good work. When I enter the rafter raft as the foundation system in a structure like the one above, the ground safety stresses, displacements etc. under the columns are zero. While modeling, I constantly turn the bottom of all columns with the foundation and fill the gaps with the tiling command. Am I making a mistake in modelling?
Hello, There is no problem with your data entry. Control of ground stresses from the Perspective window/3D Frame mode can be done for beamless raft foundation systems. In the rafter raft foundation, stress control is performed by looking at whether the sum of the G and Q values calculated in the raft slab chambers exceeds the ground safety as a result of the analysis. Good work
Mr. Levent, As far as I understand, the program loads the loads coming from the superstructure to the area and controls the stresses for the raft part of the rafter raft. So, what accepts the column and bottom of the curtain in this type of foundation in the program analysis model? Built-in headstock? I would appreciate it if you could briefly explain how the program follows the path of solving beam raft and how it builds the analysis model.
In the rafter raft, the program distributes the column and wall normal forces coming from the superstructure to the raft area, and loads and solves the rafts separately from the foundation beams as a supported system. In other words, it works as an inverted beam flooring system. This form of calculation is for the analysis of foundation beams and foundation slabs and for concrete dimensioning. In this case, the carrier elements in the superstructure are considered built-in. Since the total weight of the superstructure is distributed to the rafter rafters, point stresses are not observed under the columns.