Hello there; We are having a disagreement with a colleague whose project I am examining about the purchase of beamless raft reinforcement. (reinforcement arrangement top-bottom flat reinforcement) For the top-bottom reinforcement, it has received 1 per thousandth purchase in each direction. Minimum reinforcement purchases are separately for both upper and lower reinforcement in accordance with TS500 Article 11.4.5; I say it cannot be less than 1.5 per thousand in each direction and 3.5 per thousand in total in both directions. He says that since the upper-lower total is 2 per thousand in each direction, and the upper-lower total is 4 per thousand in both directions, it provides 1.5 and 3.5 per thousand. (The technical service of the software he used also confirmed that the selected 1/10th of the weight was correct.) When we consider the positive-negative moment in the raft foundation, the behavior of the element, the stresses on the foundation plate, etc., the minimum reinforcement determined by the specification is the minimum reinforcement that should be everywhere on the foundation plate (the missing remaining They were not convinced even though I said that additional reinforcements will be placed in the regions. Although I said that there are sample solutions with 2 per thousand as a reference in the source books, it is useless. In short, as someone who has been working with at least 1.75-2 per thousand for top-bottom reinforcement in beamless rafts for years, am I wrong or am I wrong about them? Good work everyone.