About analysis time


New Member
Hello, I am a civil engineer who has been using idecad for 5 years. I am currently using ide v10.3. I see that the analysis time has increased 4 times or even 5 times compared to previous versions (ide 8.7,6). it wastes a lot of time. I would be glad if you could help with this? Am I making a mistake using the new version, or will this be improved? Thanks
Hello, Since the number of analyzes increased with the new regulation, it is normal for the analysis times to increase. You can try the analysis times shared in the title below with your own computer and see if there is an abnormal situation.
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Hello, calculate the finite element widths by taking 1m. After all kinds of errors are corrected, choose the finite element width between 25 - 40 cm and make the final calculation. Unver ÖZCAN