A few questions about the floor


New Member
When we calculate according to the bearing capacity formula given in the earthquake regulation and divide by 1.4, for example, the bearing capacity is 300-400kpa, but if this stress is applied to the ground, settlements of the order of 15-20 cm occur. Or does the program reduce this carrying capacity value with the formulation in its own software? In bidet sandy soils, the bearing capacity basically depends on the internal friction angle of the foundation dimensions and as the foundation dimensions increase, the earthquake code bearing capacity increases and the settlements increase
If you mean the spring collapses (displacement) of the foundation by settling, this issue concerns the bearing coefficient given in the soil report. This coefficient allows us to find the soil collapses. These multiplications (displacements) are given to the user for each combination. Soil base pressure (Soil stress) is found by multiplying these stresses by the bearing coefficient. The ground report gives us the bearing capacity and the bearing coefficient, these two values are of interest to us.
"ottomancagatay":2855pbtu" said:
When we calculate according to the bearing capacity formula given in the earthquake regulation and divide by 1.4, for example, 300-400kpa bearing capacity is obtained, but if this stress is applied to the ground, settlements of 15-20 cm occur. do we allow the settlements to come as much as possible? quote] How did you create a settlement of 15-20 cm by loading the floor with a carrying capacity of 300-4000 kpa or how did you calculate it?The bearing capacity value entered in the program expresses the permissible bearing capacity on the calculated ground. flawless up to the value We accept that it will carry. Seating and bearing capacity are different concepts, I think you have a lack of knowledge about the theory of these concepts. First of all, I suggest you review these concepts again. Also, as you said, there is no linear relationship between carrying capacity and seating.
When settlement calculations are used in sandy soils in the geotechnical literature, we obtain different settlement values according to each stress. Sent via iPhone using Tapatalk
Earthquake code The calculation of the foundation bearing capacity characteristic strength according to the soil properties is the task and responsibility of the geotechnical engineer. You have to respect the floor bearing power and the bed coefficient that it gives you. The points described in this article are already taken into account by the geotechnical engineer and qk is calculated.