

New Member
hello, in this control, when the curtain overturning moment ratio is greater than 0.75, shouldn't it also appear that we need to get one more bys? Like the warning given when our curtain overturning moment is less than 0.4
Re: control The purpose of article is so that the bulkheads do not carry more than 75% of the load in wall + frame systems with high ductility level (A14 or A15). Because if the curtains carry more than this ratio, it is less ductile than the A14 or A15 system. Therefore, the R value should be reduced. In the sentence I marked with yellow color in the image below, it says, if this ratio is not met, consider the R, D and BYS values of the A13 system. Doesn't say to consider more than one of BYS. As seen in ideCAD, it has taken the R=6 value of A13. Since D and BYS have not changed, no change is made for this.
Re: I confused the control with the rule given for the curtain overturning moment to be less than 0.4. The top bys is considered statement confused me. Since the top bys is equal to 2 in both cases, there is no change.
Hello.. While the topic is open, I thought I'd ask my question here. I threw the curtain for the elevator and stairs in the Y direction. Do you think I should choose "gapless curtain and framed system" when choosing a carrier system? Or should I just ignore the curtains I discarded for stairs and elevators in the selection of carrier system and accept them as "only framed system"? -Do I have to define it as "curtain+frame system" even if it is a single curtain?
Hello my comment;
"huseyinakkus56":2vymvaee" said:
Do you think I should choose "gapless curtain and framed system" when choosing the carrier system?
Yes, (When putting curtains, it would be better to model it in a way that will transfer momentum to the floors in the long direction and form a frame in the long direction. )
"huseyinakkus56":2vymvaee" said:
Or should I just ignore the curtains for stairs and elevators in the carrier system selection and accept them as "framed system only"?
Not appropriate,
"huseyinakkus56":2vymvaee" said:
-Do I have to define it as "curtain+framed system" even if it is a single curtain?
Since there is no ratio in the regulation, we are obligated even if it is a single curtain.